domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Workshop 3 Interlanguage

Workshop Interlanguage
 L. Selinker

1. - Short essay questions.
a. - Explain the five central processes with your own words.
- Language transfer: This process occurs in our IL performance and it is modified by our NL, the fossilizable items, rules and subsystems.
- Transfer of training: Are the result of identifiable items in training procedures.
- Strategies of second language learning: If they are the result of an identifiable approach by the learner to the material to be learned.
- Strategies of second language communication: They are the result of identifiable approach of the learner to communication with a native speaker of TL.
- Overgeneralization of TL linguistic material: They are a result of a clear overgeneralization of TL rules and semantic features.

b. - Which of these processes can be apply to you in terms of your L2 acquisition?
The process that can be applied in my L2 acquisition is Overgeneralization of TL linguistic material, for the changes of rules and semantics features.
c. - Which aspects have you fossilized?
In my case, I had fossilized the language transfer aspect, because, the rules and subsystems in our Native language are stronger than Second language.
2. - True or false 
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a)      <!--[endif]-->__T__ Unsuccessful second language learning refers to the generalization problem.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->b)     <!--[endif]-->__T__Storage refers to the process of recalling information that is stored in memory.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->c)  <!--[endif]-->__T__Some conditions that affect in the process of learning a new language are anxiety, shifting attention and second language performance.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->d)     <!--[endif]-->__F__Fossilization cannot be reversible.  

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Workshop 2 How Language is shaped

Workshop about HOW LANGUAGE IS SHAPED: An interview (Noam Chomsky)

I)                   Indicate if the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Justify the false sentences.

Chomsky said:

1)      We have a predisposition to speak. T
2)      We haven’t been genetically programmed with mental structures. F we are genetically programmed.
3)      Nouns, adjective and adverb are not used in our universal grammar. F they are used in our universal grammar.
4)      We are able to learn an Alien’s language F we are not able to learn an Alien’s Language.
5)      Skinner, Chomsky and Piaget agreed on their theories. F each author talk about his own theory.
6)      Skinner believes that a language organ can develop regarding the  Environment. F Also training and experiences.

II)                Match the following pictures to the corresponding theory , and therefore author.
1)                                                          2)                                                          3)

a)    Chomsky    1
 b)   Skinner       3
 c)    Piaget         2

Workshop 1 The Innateness Hypothesis

The Innateness Hypothesis

File 9.3
The innateness hypothesis and Language & Theories of language acquisition
a) The Innateness Hypothesis:
·         The human being has the ability for to understand and speaking language this is innate.
B) Language:
·         Humans are genetically predisposed to learn and use language.
·         Concept of noun and verb are characterizes common to all language that is Linguistics Universal.
Universal Grammar: These are a set of characteristics shares by all language.
The biologist Eric Lenneberg says all humans have linguistics ability because it is innate them.
He had studied some animals and their behavior and characteristics, so he did a list about the concept “behaviorism”.
1.       The behavior emerges before it is necessary
2.       Its appearance is not the result of a conscious decision.
3.       Its emergence is not triggered by external events (though the surrounding environment must be sufficiently “rich “for it to develop----- quietly
4.       Direct teaching and intensive practice have been related little effect.
5.       There is regular sequence of “milestones” as the behavior develops, and these can usually be correlated with age and other aspect of development.
6.       There is likely to be a “critical period” for the acquisition of the behavior.
These points only consider the concept behaviorism but it is not totally owner in the human being.
What is Critical Period?
This is a period of time in an individual`s life during which a behavior. There are 2 types of periods.
0-2 years:  The Child needs to be exposure to language in order to develop the brain structures and they are necessary for acquisition and acquiring native speaker competence.
10-16 years: the child can obtain a language but he/she cannot acquire native competence.
The critical period claims that If a child doesn`t have these period he/she cannot development his/her language skills or acquire them.
There are at least two sources of information available to linguistics which support the claims that there a critical periods for acquisition language.

I. - Complete the following comparative table.

Mains Researchers

Point of view

Ability to distinguish speech sounds.
Ability to organize linguistic data.
Ability to engaging constant  evolution

Physically capable of sending and receiving sounds signal.

It is a biological schedule maduration of the brain as any other organ.

II. - Vocabulary
Complete with the correct meaning in the following words.
Isolation:       To be in a place or situation separate from others.
Innateness:   Belonging to the essential nature of something.
Sleep spindle:           Represent periods when the brain is inhibiting processing to keep the sleeper in a tranquil state.

III. - Complete the sentences.

1. - Genie explored her new    environment.
2. - Genie could not speak because she had all ready past her   critical period.
3. - With Genie case what   Chomsky    hold is refuse.